Be Healed
Turn your pain into power by healing from the break-up while coaching to improve your future relationships. A comprehensive self healing and coaching program guiding you to process, heal and envision a new future with the tools for relationship success.
Bounce back now
20 Sessions
20 sessions
Bounce Back from Heartbreak
Introduction & goals - free
The Why Stage
The Real Why & Prep for Change
The Cry - Guided Session to Let it Out
Processing Emotions Constructively
Exercise: Processing the Breakup & Emotions
How to Get Over Grief
Recovery Starts Now and How
Reset: A lesson in Self-Aware Love
Beliefs & Change
Exercise: Beliefs & Change in your Relationships
​Exercise: Self Confidence "Up to 10"
Visioning & Moving on
Closure Part 1
Exercise: Closure Conversation
Exercise: Letting go with Peace
​The Bounce Back
Strategy Session: Moving on
​Getting Back with your Ex
Step by Step to Get Back Together & Grow
An unexpected heartbreak is devestating, where do you go when you have already spoken to friends, family, tried to process and you are still heartbroken and confused. This program is designed to be the guide by your side to unlock your own inner healer, revision you future and bounce back confidently. The only closure the matters is your own, or if you rally decide you want to try and get back together, do it in a way where you could potentially grow or get the information you need to decide once and for all if the relationship is for you. You are the hero of your life. Self coach now.
Self Care
Introduction - relationship of life
Self care compass
Morning guided self-check in guide
Bedtime guided self-check in guide
Guided self care compass session
Guided mind care session
Free Bonus!